A prepper is someone who wants to function at a high level in an emergency situation. If a prepper is fortunate enough to already be a trained professional (police, fire, medical, etc.), that is a great skill set to have in a disaster situation – no matter the duration.
For the rest of us, there are opportunities available to build a good survival skill set – sometimes at no cost.
One of these opportunities is CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training. It is available at no charge and is offered in many communities across the United States.
What is CERT?
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training program is a disaster preparedness program that focuses on both general disaster preparedness training as well as specific information particular to your location’s unique potential emergencies (like post earthquake, flood, hurricane, etc.) There is no cost for the training or ongoing post-training activities but the goal of the training is to build a core of local volunteers who can be called on in an emergency situation. There is often no requirement to participate in any local emergency that arises but it can be a rewarding way to participate in your community. And a great way to build useful relationships.