Lindsey Williams – – Economic Collapse Has Arrived – Global Currency Reset, Nothing Can Stop It – Warning for Economic Implosion – 6 Billion People Humans To Be Killed By The Elite – New World Order Depopulation Agenda

Will there be a financial collapse in the United States before the end of 2024? An increasing number of respected financial experts are now warning that we are right on the verge of another great economic crisis. Of course that doesn’t mean that it will happen. Experts have been wrong before. But without a doubt, red flags are popping up all over the place and things are lining up in textbook fashion for a new financial crisis. As I write this article, U.S. stocks have declined four days in a row, the Dow is down more than 750 points from the peak of the market in May, and one out of every five U.S. stocks is already in a bear market. I fully expect the next several months to be extremely chaotic, and I am far from alone.

The main point here is that the current trajectories of so many critical economic and financial indicators point directly to an American economy that is ready for a collapse. The stock market alone is so disconnected from reality that a correction is now long overdue. Quite shockingly, the more bad news that is delivered on any given day the more likely the market is to go up. All the markets have been counterintuitively moving in the wrong direction since the crash of 2008.

There are very good reasons for this. First the U.S. dollar is under enormous pressure on every front. The BRICS and other allied nations are systematically removing the once Almighty Dollar as the world reserve currency. The Federal Reserve Bank, consequently, has been forced to create money out of thin air as dollars role off the Fed’s printing press. The successive phases of Quantitative Easing, as it is known, have shown that such wanton money printing will only make the eventual monetary meltdown much worse.

The same GE&FCM forces are also engaged in a never-ending scheme to artificially depress the price of gold. Because the gold price is a HUGE financial indicator of the true level of confidence that the markets have in the ‘real’ economy, the controllers of the GE&FCM are constantly compelled to push gold down. That daily drill alone commands a tremendous amount of resources. As the gold price is further manipulated downward, the dollar has been consistently ratcheted up by the same controlling forces.

There are several other key economic and financial metrics the understanding of which clearly reveals that 2024 is shaping up to be an extraordinarily turbulent Shemitah year. The restarting of the Cold War with Russia by the USA reflects a desperation concerning serious economic and financial matters that may also come to a head this September.

Three key economies
With higher-than-expected inflation – especially in the US and the largest European economies – global financial conditions are becoming tighter.

In the US, reduced household purchasing power and tighter monetary policy will drive growth down to 2.3 per cent this year and one percent next year, according to the outlook.

Moreover, further lockdowns and a deepening real estate crisis there has pushed growth down to 3.3 per cent this year – the slowest in more than four decades, excluding the pandemic.

And in the Eurozone, growth has been revised down to 2.6 per cent this year and 1.2 percent in 2024, reflecting spillovers from the Ukraine war and tighter monetary policy.

“As a result, global output contracted in the second quarter of this year,” said Mr. Gourinchas.
Despite the global slowdown, inflation has been revised up, in part due to rising food and energy prices.

This year it is anticipated to reach 6.6 per cent in advanced economies and 9.5 per cent in emerging market and developing economies – representing upward revisions of 0.9 and 0.8 percentage points respectively. And it is projected to remain elevated for longer.

Broadened inflation in many economies reflects “the impact of cost pressures from disrupted supply chains and historically tight labour markets,” the IMF official stated.

Downward risks
The report outlines some risks ahead, including that the war in Ukraine could end European gas supply from Russia altogether; rising prices could cause widespread food insecurity and social unrest; and geopolitical fragmentation may impede global trade and cooperation.

Inflation could remain stubbornly high if labour markets remain overly tight or inflation expectations are too optimistic and prove more costly than expected.

“In a plausible alternative scenario where some of these risks materialize…inflation will rise and global growth decelerate further to about 2.6 per cent this year and two per cent next year, a pa

ce that growth has fallen below just five times since 1970,” said the IMF economist.

“Under this scenario, both the United States and the Euro area experience near-zero growth next year, with negative knock-on effects for the rest of the world”.

In the USA the manufactured social chaos, which has been a staple of the Obama Administration, has further intensified with each new ‘race’ riot and/or illegal alien immigration fiasco. The U.S Federal Government is very busy implementing an array of diversionary tactics and distraction techniques to accommodate what will occur in October and December.

“We’ve got people on the other side [the Dark Side] who think we should reduce the population of the earth. That’s Satan’s plan, of course. Jacques Cousteau [you’ve seen his underwater documentaries] said we need to eliminate 350,000 people a day. Ted Turner [you pay for his cable TV networks] said we need a 95% decline in population. Okay, Ted, you first. These guys for the New World Order want to reduce the population of the world [from it’s present 6 billion] to a half billion.”

“Charles Wurster [Environmental Defense Fund] said people are the cause of all problems, we need to get rid of some of them. Bill Clinton [disgraced & impeached U.S. President] signed the Bio Diversity treaty that said we need to reduce the earth’s population to 1 billion. They’ve already got the earth [including the United States Of America] divided up into regions. Red areas are for animals only, no human beings allowed. The treaty’s been signed, it just hasn’t been enforced yet. Coming soon, though.”
“Peter Singer [he’s a Princeton professor teaching your childrens] is the guy who wants to have abortions AFTER the baby’s born. You’ve got 28 days to decide if you want to keep it. He said Christianity is our foe; if animal rights is to succeed, we must destroy the Judeo-Christian religious tradition. Like animals have more rights than humans. Alan Gregg [official for the Rockefeller Foundation] said the world has cancer and the cancer is man. Prince Phillip [aren’t you glad the U.S. doesn’t have Royalty?] said if I could be reincarnated I would wish to return to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. A nice guy, that Phil.”

“BTW, Monsanto [international] is busy working on genetically modified foods. They banned them in Europe. But 70% of everything you eat now contains genetically modified foods, causing all kinds of problems with health. Get the book SEEDS OF DECEPTION [by Jeffrey Smith] to get a whole lot more on that or ENGINEERED EXTINCTION from the New American magazine about how our food is being tampered with to reduce the population. The U.N. said food is power, we use it to control behavior, we do not apologize.”

From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, David Icke Illuminati, a potential World War 3, Elite government cover – ups and much more, Bigeyenews is the place to be.

What do the Illuminati elite really want? Many believe they have the answer, and it all seems so simple. Rich beyond measure, they want more money. Already more powerful than the kings of old, they desire even more power. And being psychopaths and control freaks, true, they seek to establish a seamless Police State, the better to control and imprison anyone who breaks their arbitrary rules. So, is that it—money, power, control? Is that the sum of what they want?

A good friend of mine, a dynamic radio show host and courageous patriot, and indisputably one of America’s greatest researchers chronicling the growth and dangers of the Police State, has come forward now to warn that there’s even more to the elite conspiracy. Yes, he documents, these evil plotters do strive to establish a Police State in which they control the levers of power, to further enrich themselves, while the masses toil in what is slated to become a network of global gulags.

Why This Blood Lust?
But why? Why this bloodlust on the part of the Illuminati? Why are they obsessed with the urge to commit mass murder? It is a fact that the elite have long been the prime sponsors of global depopulation schemes. The Rockefellers funded Margaret Sanger’s eugenics programs and helped her set up Planned Parenthood. George Herbert Walker Bush, as a young Congressman, served as head of Rockefellers’ Zero Population Growth organization. To this day, the elite fund the drive by crazed environmentalists for a “sustainable earth.” The stated goal, as CNN founder Ted Turner explained, is to wipe off the face of the earth some five and one-half billion inhabitants, leaving only 500 million alive.

Extensive, detailed plans have been devised to carry out this mass extermination. Lists have been made up of the “disposables,” and the sites of “killing factories” have been chosen. A system of gulag camps will someday soon be filled with “selectees.”
New technologies will be employed to kill the victims. Once they are culled out, tortured, and “tagged,” no human hands will afterwards touch them. Robotic,
CIA boss William Colby ran the murderous “Operation Phoenix” program in Vietnam, complete with torture chambers and assassinations. Later, Colby was rewarded for his bloody handiwork, being promoted to Director of the CIA. sanitized factories will be clinically efficient. The victims’ dead bodies, after processing, will fill the bottoms of the oceans and caverns underground.

Certain experimental programs have been carried out to test various killing methods and disposal methods. Communism allowed many fertile testing grounds. In revolutionary Spain in the 1930s, in the Armenian Genocide of 1915, in the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1986, in Cambodia in the murderous Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge era, and in Mao Tse Tung’s Red China, tens of millions were culled out, tortured, and murdered. Everything was systematized.

While acknowledging that tighter monetary policy would have economic costs, the IMF official upheld that delaying it would only exacerbate hardship.

And hampered by difficulties in coordinating creditor agreements, how and whether debt can be restructured, remains unpredictable.

He argued that domestic policies responding to the impacts of high energy and food prices should focus on those most affected, without distorting prices.

“Governments should refrain from hoarding food and energy and instead look to unwind barriers to trade such as food export bans, which drive world prices higher,” advised the IMF official.

Meanwhile, mitigating climate change continues to require prompt multilateral action to limit emissions and raise investment to accelerate a “green transition”.

Policymakers are urged to ensure that measures are temporary and only cover energy shortfalls and climate policies.

Lists were drawn up of “selected” victims; death
When the world economy collapses the history books will mark it as the worst human tragedy ever. More than half the planet will not survive and savagery will be worst then in the dark ages. People will be at a lost having no governmental help or human civility. People would rather sleep and have nightmares than to face the horrors that awaits when they wake. The only thing that’s not for sure is when will the economy collapse?

No one knows for certain but almost everyone agrees it will happen. With the United States national deficit at almost 17 trillion dollars, the question becomes, ‘how much debt will it take to start a global crisis? 20, 25, 30, trillion dollars? At what point does the debt become too much to pay back?’ If you ask me, it already is.
People living in large cities like New York and Los Angeles will experience a state of panic, when the local milk deliveries stop. The super markets will be empty and the faucet will stop delivering water to your home. The light will turn off indefinitely and your cell phone will become a paper weight. The only thing of value in those days will be guns and canned goods. As much as people will be killing each other, majority of the population will starve to death. The suicide rate will triple in one day from unbearable depression. The world population will go from billions of people to millions. The Great Depression will seem like a bad day, compared to the impeding collapse.What will you do? Who in your life today will help you? If you’re in a position to, who will you help?


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